Day 230 - Did video really kill the radio star?

My dad wrote a porno. Mine didn't (as far as I'm aware) but that's the name of a podcast I listened to on the train this afternoon. Today was Radio Day, a celebration of broadcasting to the world. I listened to Chris Evans' breakfast show on the way to work and then I tried some podcasts on the way home. The porno podcast is a comedy recording where the presenters' dad actually did write one and he takes the mickey out of it. I also tried the Joe Rogan show but after 5 minutes of adverts I gave up. All in all my radio listening was an enjoyable way to spend my journey home.

As soon as I got in I started cooking tea as Son 1 had to go to his play rehearsal. We had a fry up as it was Bacon Lovers' Day. It was a little bit salty but not bad. A lot of vegetarians say that if they were going to eat meat then it would be bacon. As we had a big bag of spinach left over from yesterday's saag also I wilted some to go with the sausages and mushrooms. It went well, it's time that the humble fry up had a shake up, spinach might be the answer!

I didn't do anything for Cupcake Day as it was a charity bake sale for dogs in America. It was also World Mosquito Day so my charitable donations went there instead. You'll no doubt know that mozzies spread malaria and it can be prevented with nets to keep them off you whilst you sleep. Today is the anniversary of the day when the link between them was discovered. If you want to help then try

For Lemonade Day I had to ask my wife to pick some up from the shops as I couldn't find any in Waitrose. Odd. We had some diet cloudy lemonade.  Refreshing. Yum. I wouldn't have had time to make any from scratch.  Maybe next time.

Tomorrow will be quiet unless anything pops up in the morning.  If you happen to know where I can find spumoni then please comment below as I haven't found any yet.


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