Day 232 - I believe in fairies

It's frustrating when celebrations you really want to mark fall on awkward days, like when Surfing Day fell on a weekday. Poor planning. And sometimes there are celebrations which can only be marked if you happen to be lucky. Today was odd as there were two such days taking place, one which I could celebrate, one which o couldn't.

Firstly, Take Your Cat To The Vet Day. Did that last week. I was early. If I'd realised that the day was coming up I could have planned it better. I could have told you all about how one cat is getting heavier and the other lighter but now you'll never know.

On the other hand, today was also Tooth Fairy Day. How do you celebrate tooth fairy day without having a tooth fall out? Well it did! Yay! Son 2's tooth has been wobbly for the last few days and it came out yesterday. One day out, I thought.  But as chance would have it he completely forgot to put it under his pillow! We therefore did it tonight and wrote a message to the fairy. Let's hope she turns up. He keeps telling us that she isn't real.  Shows how little he knows.

Eat A Peach Day required that I do simply that. I was again in luck. I bought one on the weekend, just the one. Often they are solid, sometimes over ripe. My peach today was pretty bang on, firm and juicy. I like a peach now again. I like to think that Peach Day would be a little less demanding than Eat a Peach Day but I don't make the rules. Sone people are put off by the furry skin, I don't mind it but generally prefer nectarines. 

I quite fancies Bao Day (steamed buns) and Pecan Torte Day but both would have required a lot of prep. The weekend would have been better.

There was a confusingly titled one today, Never Bean Better Day. You may be forgiven for thinking that it had something to do with legumes but you, like me, would be mistaken. Bean is a dog. A dog that helps people, makes them feel better.  There is a website all about the dog ( and a Kickstarter project based around him. They want to make plush toys of the dog which people can have to make them feel better. They bark and spread the wuv.  If you buy one then they'll also give one away to someone who needs one. I did my bit by tweeting about them, hopefully it'll help spread the word.

Finally today there was a last minute entry on my list. World Plant Milk Day. It didn't pop up on my list but it was on Twitter, a valuable resource for celebrationistas (I just made that word up - what do you think? ) I nipped to Aldi and bought some soya milk and almond milk.  I tried the soya milk in my coffee. By tried I mean I made the coffee but never got to taste it. It curdled.  Yuck. I then read the pack and it said to not pour directly into hot water.  Oops. It's coffee time now so I'll try again.

Tomorrow will be Buttered Corn Day. Yum.


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