Day 222 - Middle child's day part two

As I said yesterday, today was part of two of Middle Child's Day. We awoke in our hotel room. I started the day with some yoga using the gym mat which came with the room. Son 2 did not. He chose Minecraft. We then left (after helping ourselves to complimentary coffee) to find breakfast. Son 2 said he wanted tomato soup.  Hmm. We said no. Son 2 sulked. We ended up in a cafe called Becks which oddly had empty beer bottles in condiment caddies on the walls. The brand of beer? Stella. They're missing a trick there methinks.

After breakfast we walked to Hamleys. Son 2 wanted to do some shopping. This put him in a better mood. He chose a rubix cube and some odd things which look like those those chewable toothbrushes you find in service stations but which stick together to make models. Oh, and a memory stick. (odd choice).

After a mooch about and a disappointing smoothie we went for his treat, The Play That Goes Wrong. It is a riot. The cast are in amongst the audience before it starts in character. I was expecting slapstick but  nothing like this. The mayhem starts and doesn't stop until the curtain finally goes down. It would be more accurate to say that very little went right than lots went wrong. Son 2 didn't stop laughing, it was a good choice although unfortunately Tom Cruise was not appearing in it today.

After that we headed back to the train and  tried to stay awake on the journey home. Also today there was World Elephant Day and Julienne Fries Day. I had some French fries (are they the same?) with my tea and I saw sone toy elephants in Hamleys but I'm not sure that counts as celebrating. Now that Middle Child's Day is done I can get back to a load of random nonsense tomorrow. Phew.


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