Day 241 - lovely nuts...

I'm afraid that I don't have anything deep and meaningful to tell you, my loyal readers, about today. It's all trivial stuff.

First up this morning was College Colo(u)rs Day. A day to wear the colours of your college with pride.  I left college some time back now but I still have the socks - green white and black. I wore them all day although there were very few people around to appreciate them. If you want a chance to appreciate my socks then their is a photograph on the Facebook page. @YayEveryDay. I spent some interesting years at Chester College so it's nice to have something to remind me of it, like socks.

Next up was Eat Outside Day. This is pretty self explanatory really. It's not the same as picnicking, which is more about sandwiches and blankets, the celebration was more just about eating outside, so I ate my lunch outside. Boom.  Done.

Finally today I celebrated Trail Mix Day. There is no set recipe for this, it's basically nuts, dried fruit and chocolate. Some have seeds, some use M&M's. I stole some of my wife's nuts and added some raisins. I didn't have any choc chips so I unwrapped a load of Hersheys kisses and chucked them in. Yum. I didn't go on any trails but ate off at my desk. I think that I'll be having more of it, assuming my wife doesn't notice her nuts depleating.

There is a list of 14 potential celebrations tomorrow so hopefully I'll have something interesting for you tomorrow.


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