Day 233 - hugging and sponge cake

You've no doubt arrived here looking for your fix of interesting celebration news, hoping to see what unique and exciting events took place today. I'm afraid however that it has mainly been a day for repeat celebrations.

I've done Hamburger Day and Cheeseburger Day, today was simply Burger Day. A chance to celebrate any kind of burger. I spotted a pulled chicken burger recipe the other day but whilst out shopping in Lidl I saw some vegan burgers and thought that they might be worth a try instead. How wrong I was. As my wife is not eating carbs at the minute and doesn't like beef I let her have both of them to make a vegan sandwich. Big mistake, they were dry and tasteless. I tried them and cooked eat more than a mouthful. The frozen beefburgers weren't great either although Son 1 loves any kind of beefburger, he prefers the ones which are 80% sawdust.

Thankfully tea was saved by corn on the cob. It was Buttered Corn On The Cob Day. Recently we've tried to be healthier and eat them just as they are so it was a treat to slather it with butter.  Yum. I even managed to avoid the whole butter dripping down chin thing. Success.

Im sad to say that I do think I missed a trick today. It was Cuban Sandwich Day and I was working in London. I had about an hour and a half after my meeting to get to the train station so I thought that I would try to find a cuban cafe near Marylebone.  Whilst on the underground however I spotted a huge poster near Farringdon saying "Cubana". I was close to jumping out and trying to buy a sandwich although I'd have to have then walked back to Marylebone which might have cut it close. I'm sad to say that I chickened out. No cuban sandwich for me.

To celebrate Sponge Cake Day I picked up some sponge cakes from Lidl. They may however be a little controversial.  They look just like Jaffa Cakes but are cherry and dark chocolate (nice). The packaging says "Sponge cakes" but many people consider them to be biscuits. If you're interested, the courts had to consider which they were as they would be taxed differently depending on the outcome. They were quite tasty. It also happened to be the birthday of a member of my Morris Dancing side and they provided cake too. Yay!

Finally I managed to hug my wife (Hug Your Sweetheart Day) in the short time that I actually got to see her this evening.

Shrewsbury Folk Festival starts tomorrow during which time I will have to try to squeeze in some celebrations and blog from the back of a marquee.  If you happen to be there, Monday will be Tug O War Day so I'll see if I can get some rope.


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