Day 225 - relaxing failures
So... did I cycle for two hours to get to Telford simply to celebrate Cycle To Work Day? I didn't want to as I haven't cycled anywhere near that far, ever. The route isn't very obvious either, Google was suggesting up and over or under and around. Straight across would mean motorway. As this celebration was so much more effort than the usual I said that I would do it if 10 people posted about my blog on social media. Before my morning shower I checked my phone. 3. There were three posts, two on Facebook, one in Twitter. I was let off. Phew. That was a bit of failure really wasn't it ( more on that shortly). What I was pleasantly surprised about though were the number of readers generated by those three posts. My readership increased 6-fold. Hugely! Thank you so much! Frustratingly however, that means that after writing about celebrations for more than 200 days, the entry which has been read the most doesn't talk about my celebrations! Grr.
Anyway. So what did I celebrate today? Well it starts with my failure! It was Failures Day. A day to think about and celebrate those moments when we don't get what we want. I failed at Cycle To Work Day but I can take positives from that. I didn't get stuck on a backroad out of Shrewsbury at 7am. I made it to work on time. I still raised awareness of the day. Whoop whoop, get me. I always remember a French lesson about some sweets called "betise", which means mistake. They're a popular minty sweet, so-called because the makers were trying to make one thing when they made something else by accident. Not all failures are bad. To add to my failures, the game of chess I started on International Chess Day finally ended. I was getting pummeled until my opponent lost his queen. It was fairly even after that. We both made mistakes. He finally got the upper hand today, I didn't notice that I had no escape route and moved a pawn instead. I may have failed but I've made a friend. That's a win for me.
Next up was World Reiki Day. Now I thought reiki was a bit like yoga. I researched it today and found out that it's all about laying hands on people to make them better. Wikipedia doesn't hold back, it suggests it's balony, equal dont be placebo effect. I didn't have any aches to heal and my better half doesn't like head massages so I couldn't try it on her headache. I did however find some reiki music on YouTube which is actually quite relaxing. Which was rather helpful... today was also Relaxation Day. I found a great poem about relaxation on Twitter, which basically talks about a list of lazy things which the person does and then refers to them as "doing words". I didn't really relax much but the things I did whilst listening to the reiki music was quite relaxing. Yay.
I didn't celebrate Check The Chip Day ( cat microchips) as the cats are actually booked in for their check up tomorrow. So close! I did however enjoy some Lemon Meringue Pie for Lemon Meringue Pie Day. It came from Sainsbury's. I haven't had lemon meringue for a while so it was good to have some. Son 2 wouldn't touch it, daughter mushed it up, so I had two helpings. There could have been more meringue if I'm honest but it was generally a good way to end a meal.
Tomorrow, in case you need it, will be Bratwurst Day and also Rum Day!
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